Attending: Mike Aratow Alan Hudson Don Brutzman Rita Dick Agenda Conformance Update 2 announcements X3D Earth Nasa WorldWind Google Earth Microsoft Oracle Kevin Montgomery who is going to work on physics in 07 and help co-write the symposium paper with COLLADA? Nick has gone out on a limb for all of us. Web3D 2007 Need a European presence for marketing / membership recruitment Keynote speaker for symposium per Nick's request Possible sponsors for Web3D Showcase Jeff Weekly running it? (MC) -Invite to next board meeting needs help with coordnation and wrangling Location? Siggraph Feb 1 BOF Tech Talk? / Showcase Want a 2 hour public venue Rita will look into booth costs New WGs and related Networking Charter Start a vote on board to charter Chris's response to comments: 1. The comments do not provide any specific comment on the content of the proposal as far as I can see, so I assume the text is ok for forming the group and making a start. (I can fix the title - a comment from Alan - and remove the TBDs: they were originally for input form Leonard). 2. There is already a use case. To require an X3D Earth use case is not necessary: networking will not be targeted at just x3d earth or any other specific domain. I'm not going to do additional use cases to suit everyone: they should do that themselves, I've put an excessive amount of time over too long a period to be doing any more unless I can get the Consortium members to start doing something/helping with it. Ditto for the comment on Flash. 3. The XMLHttpRequest is implementation specific to javascript running in the client web browser and the networking proposal is explicitly independent of such external programming APIs. That's the main point of the overview. The proposal therefore is explicitly not including XMLHttpRequest: I gave a comparison of the two forms to highlight this difference: the proposal is an alternative to XMLHttpRequest, though it may be used in conjunction. The diagram would have helped (did it not come thru for anyone?). I can try to make this point in the overview clearer, perhaps. 4. No idea what "networking relayerization" is about and don't see why the working group and its web page should be held up because of it. 5. Compatibility/interoperability with XML based protocols is another level above this proposal and should be considered as a future development of the technology/spec, not a requirement for the inception of the WG. Next Meeting Feb 12th